Dream Manifestation Personality Types

Achieve your dreams while creating with inspiration in life! Here is a helpful list of personality types that shine though in the process of goal and dream manifestation. By identifying your type, or types, you will be able to understand where you get in your own way...

Insight Meditation

Insight Meditation There are many ways to do a meditation. The main point of any meditation is to quiet your mind for relaxation and healing. There will still be chatter in your mind most of the time, but with practice you can have more peace and calm. Meditations can...

Prayer for Love and Peace

Inspiration For Love & Peace Here is a great prayer to connect with the inspiration of love and peace to set the tone of your day: “Dear God (source, spirit, etc), I ask today that my mind become still like a stone mountain. I ask that my body be surrounded and...

Gratitude Practices For Soul Alignment in Business

Gratitude has been invaluable to for growing so many businesses. Here are the Top 3 practices to align your soul in gratitude in your business. Simple easy practices that will raise your vibration and help you attract more clients, and feel more fulfilled as an...