One of my favorite stories I heard this week was about the choice to dismiss one’s beliefs in favor of someone else’s for a gold star. Sounds a little crazy right, but so many people do it all day. In little, seemingly easy to dismiss ways. We might have gotten used to giving up a little of our own values/ethics in favor of a gold star (i.e. approval from someone else).

Don’t get me wrong, I strongly believe we should be open to changing what we think about any given topic though being open and always challenging our own beliefs to see if they are from a place of compassion, love and divine wisdom…or fear, judgement and anger. But, we shouldn’t sacrifice our own belief’s and values to please anyone else because even in little ways, this leads to a life of feeling “off track” and “empty”.

The story goes, a 6 year old went to Sunday School and the teacher told a story about rights/wrongs as she saw it, then told the children if they believed the story and were willing to let go of their own ideas of right/wrong for hers, she’d give them a gold star. The 6 year old was the only one who refused the gold star, not only that walked out and asked to never go back. He thought it was crrrrazy that the other kids were willing to have someone else decide their truth for them.

Such a great summary of how when we hold to this in life, we will feel we are on our life purpose. We will feel we are on the right track, because we are doing and being what we feel is right in each moment. And, over time this adds up to a life of purpose.

I encourage you to look at ways you are sacrificing your truth in little ways. STOP and be bold, stay on your path, no matter what the risks. The rewards will be endless. I see this for myself and my clients everyday. Your happiness is under your control, within your power. Enjoy and give yourself tons of props for any steps you make in this direction.