A connection with spirit, don’t leave home without it! Your 7th chakra is where your body brings in the information from your spirit, otherwise called psychic energy. It is like an information highway. Your spirit sends information from the knowingness of the divine down to your body so you can have that feeling in your heart, gut, head that tells you which path to head down in the journey of life. Your body also sends information up to your 7th chakra, like hey, shit just blew up in my life, I’m sad and angry, so your spirit is connected with the happenings of the body level of life.

Often our 7th chakra can be muddy from the dirt of life. Whenever I read medical information about the happenings of my body, I get a huge chunk of dirt on my 7th. This is because I start to think that the body, and the physical, is all that is important. I need to eat that, not eat that, exercise at least X amount, take this herb and that one so I feel good. My feeling good sometimes is reduced down to the physical/tangible aspects and I ignore my spirit. This is called atheistic energy. Meaning that there is an energy or belief, that there is only that which we can see, feel, touch, nothing else affects our life and well being. When I feel reduced down to just a body, I start to go crazy and obsess about what I should/shouldn’t eat, do, and such.

When I finally clear out this atheistic energy and connect with my spirit, I feel peace though a knowing there is a greater divinity and all is as it should be. I can relax and know my spirit is as much helping me be healthy and feel good as what I eat and do for my body. It is both.

My friend recently had a major life transition- well everything she knew fell apart and life as she’d been living it died. She is very connected with her spirit and her emotions. So, she was angry, sad, teary for a few days and likely will continue to be so for a while, but within just a few days, she also connected with her spirit and her knowing that life is perfect in its imperfections and she is learning exactly what she needs to and her spirit is helping her be exactly where she needs to for her highest good.

Wow, I was impressed. She reconnected with her divinity so quickly. I can let disappointments take me off track and away from my spirit so easily sometimes, yet in the face of everything falling apart, she reconnected so quickly. So, when you feel despair and that the world has just send you a life bomb, imagine that chakra, just above your head, being filled with light and connected to the divine. That intention will likely work wonders.